Vinyl Wall Decals vs Traditional Paintings For Room Decor

The walls say a lot about a room. When you first step foot into a person’s home, you’ll immediately notice the walls. This can either be good or bad depending on how the homeowner decorated them. Leaving the walls plain will create the ‘blank canvas’ effect, which is typically frowned upon by professional interior designers. On the other hand, going overboard with the wall decorations may create a cluttered appearance that does the room no justice.

This week, we’re going to discuss two of the most popular decorative solutions for interior walls: traditional paintings and vinyl wall decals. While both can be used to achieve an attractive room or indoor environment, there are some major differences between the two that shouldn’t be overlooked. If you’re still scratching your head trying to figure out which one is right for you, keep reading to learn more about vinyl decals vs traditional paintings for room décor.

Vinyl Wall Decals

  • Inexpensive (prices vary depending on the design, size and other considerations, but most fall within the $20-$25 range).
  • Easy to install and requires no special tools or equipment.
  • Applied flush with the wall so it looks more natural.
  • Literally thousands of different vinyl designs available. If you have a particular interest or hobby, chances are there’s a design available that reflects it.
  • Doesn’t damage the paint or wall.
  • Budget-friendly alternative to painting an entire room.
  • Can move them around simply by peeling them off and placing it on a new location.

Traditional Paintings

  • Typically requires a hanging nail or screw, along with a hammer at the very least.
  • May damage if someone accidentally bumps into it.
  • Oftentimes leaves small but noticeable holes in the drywall.
  • Paintings are not flush with the wall, so they tend to look more unnatural.
  • Damages easily from the high humidity and excessive sunlight.
  • Bulky and difficult to move from one place to another.
  • Professional framing is downright expensive.

As you can see, vinyl wall decals are the clear winner when it comes to wall decorations. They offer homeowners a greater amount of freedom when decorating rooms or areas within their home. Whether you want to use a single vinyl decal or a dozen, you’ll find they are a simple yet brilliant way to improve your home’s aesthetics without resorting to traditional paintings.

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