Vinyl Wall Decals vs Traditional Paintings For Room Decor

The walls say a lot about a room. When you first step foot into a person’s home, you’ll immediately notice the walls. This can either be good or bad depending on how the homeowner decorated them. Leaving the walls plain will create the ‘blank canvas’ effect, which is typically frowned upon by professional interior designers. On the other hand, going overboard with the wall decorations may create a cluttered appearance that does the room no justice.

This week, we’re going to discuss two of the most popular decorative solutions for interior walls: traditional paintings and vinyl wall decals. While both can be used to achieve an attractive room or indoor environment, there are some major differences between the two that shouldn’t be overlooked. If you’re still scratching your head trying to figure out which one is right for you, keep reading to learn more about vinyl decals vs traditional paintings for room décor.

Vinyl Wall Decals

  • Inexpensive (prices vary depending on the design, size and other considerations, but most fall within the $20-$25 range).
  • Easy to install and requires no special tools or equipment.
  • Applied flush with the wall so it looks more natural.
  • Literally thousands of different vinyl designs available. If you have a particular interest or hobby, chances are there’s a design available that reflects it.
  • Doesn’t damage the paint or wall.
  • Budget-friendly alternative to painting an entire room.
  • Can move them around simply by peeling them off and placing it on a new location.

Traditional Paintings

  • Typically requires a hanging nail or screw, along with a hammer at the very least.
  • May damage if someone accidentally bumps into it.
  • Oftentimes leaves small but noticeable holes in the drywall.
  • Paintings are not flush with the wall, so they tend to look more unnatural.
  • Damages easily from the high humidity and excessive sunlight.
  • Bulky and difficult to move from one place to another.
  • Professional framing is downright expensive.

As you can see, vinyl wall decals are the clear winner when it comes to wall decorations. They offer homeowners a greater amount of freedom when decorating rooms or areas within their home. Whether you want to use a single vinyl decal or a dozen, you’ll find they are a simple yet brilliant way to improve your home’s aesthetics without resorting to traditional paintings.

Product Showcase: Baby on Board! Vinyl Wall Sticker

Are you expecting a newborn sometime within the next nine months? If so, you should use this time to decorate and design their nursery with beautiful elements. The nursery is where your baby will spend most of his or her time, so it’s important for expecting parents to create an attractive, relaxing environment. Besides, you’ll probably find yourself spending a good deal of time here as well. From rocking your newborn to sleep to changing diapers, the nursery will become your home within a home.

This week, we’re going to showcase the perfect vinyl wall decal for your newborn’s nursery. Whether you’re expecting a boy, girl, or if you prefer to not know the gender, you can’t go wrong with this fun vinyl sticker.

The “Baby on Board” vinyl wall decal is ideal for use in a newborn’s nursery. As you can see in the photo, it mimics the look and feel of a typical yellow-colored road sign – the only difference being the phrase “Baby on Board” and the colorful design of an actual baby underneath. Measuring 8” by 8”, it’s the perfect size to use just about anywhere in the nursery. You can place it above their crib, on the door, mirror, wall or even a piece of furniture.

Nursery Decorating Tips:


  • Don’t limit yourself to the traditional pink and blues.
  • There’s certainly nothing wrong with these two colors, but
  • there are dozens of other colors on the spectrum to choose
  • If there’s one thing that all newborns like, it’s animals.
  • You can use this to your advantage by adding fun animal
  • figures and designs to your newborn’s nursery.
  • Leave some room for pictures! Once your newborn arrives,
  • you’ll want to capture those early moments of his or her
  • life in photos and use them in the nursery.
  • Stick with soft colors to achieve a tranquil environment.
  • Use shelves, trunks, chests, plastic tubs and cubby holes for storage (trust me, you’ll need lots of storage).
  • Be sure to include a diaper changing station along with all of the necessary supplies for changing dirty diapers.

Note: you can also use the “Baby on Board” vinyl decal on your car window. If you look closely at the decal, you’ll notice the baby is actually wearing a seat belt in the illustration, making it an excellent choice for a car window. Placing this decal on your window lets other drivers know that a newborn is riding in your car, so they need to use extra caution around you.

Decorate Your Home In An Affordable Way With Vinyl Wall Art

Are you looking for a creative and affordable option to spice up your home? Vinyl wall art is one of the most feasible options for you to choose from. This art form not only brings color and character to your home by beautifying its bare walls, it also creates an enchanting ambience in all corners of your home.

Moreover, vinyl wall art is a perfect option for decorating their rooms for all those people who are living in a rented accommodation and are restricted by terms of their lease contract to carry out any kind of changes on the walls. The vinyl art is applied directly to bare walls in form of decals or stickers, and are easily removed without leaving any type of ugly spots on walls.

Vinyl Wall Art Decals- Simple Yet Creative Solution To Revamp Your Home

There are so many things that make vinyl wall decals and stickers most popular home decorating option among people, such as:

  • Vinyl wall decals are simple and easy to use.
  • Vinyl wall art is easily removeable from walls
  • Vinyl art decals are durable and affordable.
  • Vinyl decals and stickers are safe to use as these are made of environment friendly materials.
  • These are available in various different varieties, colors, shapes, sizes and measurements.
  • They can be used in bedrooms, washrooms, kitchens, kids room and in all other parts of your home.
  • Wall graphics decals can also be used on your car’s windows.

Wall decals decorate and brighten up your home in fun way, by putting minimum effort and spending genuine amount of money. If you ever get bored with your wall art, you can simply put off the existing wall art decals and replacing it with newer vinyl design of your choice to revamp your walls. Vinyl art form is truly the most affordable way to transform a simple looking room into an extremely beautiful room.

You can find wide varieties of vinyl wall art decals and stickers of all types at It is your one stop shop on the internet to find high quality wall art and those too at most genuine rates. There are endless options to choose from for your kids room, kitchen, bedroom to mediation room as well.

Wine Lover Rejoice With The Perfect Vinyl Wall Sticker!

Are you someone who enjoys an occasional (or frequent) glass of wine? According to a poll, around a third of Americans drink wine on a regular basis, making it the second most popular alcoholic beverage in the U.S. (right behind beer). There’s nothing that compares to the combination of delightful flavors, aroma and the pleasing body of wine. Whether you drink it once a month or daily, you can tell the world that you’re a fan of wine by decorating your home with the following decal.


The vinyl wine decal is the perfect decorative accessory for any room, hallway, office, game room or even the garage. It features a bottle of wine towering about two wine glasses and a grape cluster. With a size of 20” by 20”, it’s not too large yet not too small. This allows for greater freedom when choosing a location to use it inside your home. Some people may decorate their bedroom with the vinyl wine decal, while others may use it in their kitchen or dining room. Again, this is entirely up to you.


Of course, you can always give this decal as a gift to the wine lover in your life. If you can’t seem to find a birthday gift for a friend or family member and don’t want to take the easy way out with a store gift card, perhaps this decal is the answer to your problem. It’s a beautiful decal that reflects one of the simple joys in life: wine.


Fun Facts About Wine:


  • Wine is produced on every continent with the exception of Antarctica.
  • Contrary to what some people may believe, wine should never be stored upright, as this allows the cork to dry out.
  • Counterfeiting is a serious problem in the wine industry, with estimated costs reaching millions of dollars.
  • There are several known health benefits associated with regular consumption of red wine, including reduced chance of heart disease, regulates blood sugar levels, improves libido, and reduces blood pressure.
  • The difference between red and white wine lies in the fermentation technique. Red wine is fermented with the grape skins, whereas white wine is fermented without them.
  • The first written accounts of wine dates back to the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.
  • American’s prohibition of alcohol dealt a significant blow to the wine industry, forcing many wineries and vineyard owners to close up shop.

5 Reasons Why You Should Decorate Your Home With Vinyl

Whether you’re looking to completely redecorate your home or add more personality to your bedroom, you can’t go wrong with vinyl. It opens up a whole new world of decorating options while offering an enormous amount of customization options. But many people are hesitant to take the plunge into vinyl decals, especially if they’ve never used them before. If you’re still on the fence about using them, keep reading to learn 5 reasons why should decorate your home with vinyl.

Reason #1) Blends Into The Wall

Once applied, the vinyl decal will blend seamlessly into the wall. In fact, most people who see vinyl decals for the first time assume they are painted on the wall. The edges are flush with the wall and decal itself contains no protrusions or air bubbles (when properly applied). This allows individuals to decorate their home without fear of disturbing the décor.

Reason #2) Quick and Easy To Install

A second reason why you should decorate your home with vinyl decals is because they are quick and easy to apply. In just minutes, you can revitalize your home’s décor with an attractive vinyl decal. Each and every product sold here at comes with a installation instructions, but you can also check out our product application help article for more information.

Reason #3) Doesn’t Damage Walls

You can rest assured knowing that using a vinyl decal isn’t going to damage your wall. If you ever grow tired of looking at your decal (which may happen eventually), you can peel it off and replace it with a new one.

Reason #4) Cheaper Than Paint

Tired of looking at the same dull-colored walls in your home but don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on new paint? Well, you’re in luck. Decorating your walls with vinyl decals will only cost a fraction of the price of paint, making it a budget-friendly approach to redecorating a room. Just remember to choose a vinyl color that contrasts with the current color of your walls.

Reason #5) Personalize Your Home!

A fifth and final reason why you should decorate with vinyl in your home is because it allows you to express your own personality and style. There’s a decal for just about everything you can think of, so choose ones that reflect your interests and hobbies.