Growth Chart Vinyl Wall Art

Growth Chart Vinyl Wall Art

Who says vinyl wall decals are used strictly for decorative purposes? Sure, you can spruce up the decor of any bedroom, hall or area inside your home by applying a stylish vinyl decal to the wall, but another idea is to use them as a grow chart. offers dozens of different vinyl growth charts, available in various sizes, shapes, colors and designs.

What Is a Height Charts Decals

A vinyl growth chart is exactly what it sounds like: a vinyl decal that’s used to measure the growth of one or more children. It’s not uncommon for parents to create their own growth charts simply by making a mark on the wall during their child’s birthday. While this is certainly an effective way to keep track of a child’s growth, it doesn’t offer any real decorative value to the room.

Still not convinced that a Height Charts Decals is worth the investment? Check out some of the many benefits they offer listed below:

  • Allows you to see exactly how much your child has grown from year to year.
  • Using the information given in a vinyl growth chart, you can talk with your family doctor to ensure your child is growing at a healthy rate.
  • The vinyl growth charts available here at are beautifully crafted in a way that’s sure to bring more life and vibrancy to your home.
  • Vinyl growth charts allow parents to track their child’s growth without messing up the walls.
  • Let’s face it, they are fun!

How To Use a Vinyl Growth Charts Decals

If this is your first time hearing about growth chart decals, let me explain how they work: First, you’ll need to apply it to the wall with the measurements running vertically. Most vinyl growth charts begin at 20”, so measure your wall ahead of time and place a small mark using a pencil or pen at 20”. In order for it to be accurate, you must apply the growth chart with the bottom resting at the 20” mark (assuming this is the lowest measurement depicted on the chart.

With the growth chart applied to the wall, you can begin marking your child’s growth. There’s really no wrong way to accomplish this, but most parents choose to mark their child’s growth on a yearly basis. Each time their birthday rolls around, have your child take off his or her shoes and stand against the growth chart wall decal. Next, draw a line on the part of the decal where the top of their head reaches. You can also write the date or your child’s age at the time of this measurement for future reference.